Cnc Drill Line Chuck

Cnc Drill Line Generator

�..Since purchasing our CNC Drill Line about four months ago, we have drilled approximately 25,000 holes. It used to take us approximately 5 minutes to lay out and drill each hole. Now it takes us approx. 30 seconds per hole � a savings of 1875 man hours in 4 months. In our shop that equals about $84,375! As you can see this machine will pay for itself in less than one year. Not only is it speeding up our production, it is freeing up floor space for additional jobs..�

".. Although the machine is targeted at structural fabricators, I found it to be very useful for drilling truck frames. This machine is very accurate and repeatable, which has made it easy to put together a truck frame. Avenger drills a series of channels for one truck within two hours. It takes 16 hours to do the same thing manually. This machine has dramatically increased our productivity, profitability, and efficiency !.."

"..In an attempt to meet customer requirements and increase output, we have built a new beam drill system. The lower labor cost and quicker turnaround times have resulted in us landing high-quality jobs.

Voortman inside technicians are often able to resolve any problem remotely. Voortman technicians can access your machine via an internet connection. Voortman equipment has a powerful Windows(r-based Siemens control which allows this capability and offers superior diagnostics through Windows(r).



At GSS Machinery we are committed to providing you as many options as possible with regard to drilling with your CNC Drill Line or any other CNC Beam Drill Line.

The CNC Drill Line can import DXF files and can use them to process 3-D shapes as long as the steel is detailed according to specific rules. Some of these rules might be different to the way you are detailing at the moment and might require some adjustment. This process is not nearly as seamless as the 3-D modeling software solutions above.

4 Spindle Drill Head

The Advantage-2 is powered via 25 HP (18.5kW), Siemens spindlemotors. It features 3 drill spindles that are equipped with 5-station tool changing stations. This powerful drilling technology ensures optimal operating time as well as drill hole quality.

We have been developing solutions and machines for steel fabricators over 50 years. As a solution to decreasing labor supply and rising labor costs, we are focusing on automation. Our goal is to reduce production costs and increase profit margins. Voortman CNC Beam Drilling lines can provide the best in productivity, accuracy, and reliability. Our CNC Beam Drill Lines incorporate many functions, such as drilling and milling, marking and countersinking. They also allow for thread-tapping and other tasks to improve productivity and optimize workflow. Voortman provides a comprehensive range of Beam Drill Lines for all types of production.

4 Spindle Drill Head

Cnc Drill Line G10

The programming of the CNC Drill Line can be done even manually. Peddimat is the machine programming software and most operators can program most parts within less than an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. The best way to program the machine, however, is to import parts from a CAD drawing, preferably created in 3-D modeling software like ProSteel 3D or StruMis. These files can be imported directly into the machine. The operator simply selects the part and presses the Cycle Start button.

The CNC Drill Line can be programmed manually at the machine or in the office using the supplied Peddimat software. This software comes included with the AVENGER and can be installed on as many PCs in your office as you choose � this unlimited license is included with the purchase of your machine. It is the same software that is found on the machine itself and is the same software used on the CNC Drill Line and all Voortman CNC fabricating machinery.

Cnc Drill Line Me

Continuous production? Check. You can check. The ability to process a profile in record time with triple-axis drilling and milling is possible thanks to the use of three axes. High-speed Siemens spindle motors of 25 horsepower provide industry-leading hole penetration speeds. Additionally, each drilling axis employs ball screw feed positioning. The drill line boasts an advanced clamping system specifically designed to reduce vibrations. Extreme accuracy? Check.

The CNC Drill Line is easy to use and Avenger workers were the ones who laid the floors. There is no need to know anything about computers, and all training is given during the installation.

4 Spindle Drill Head

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V Cnc Machining

The CNC Drill Line can either be programmed at the machine by hand or via the Peddimat software. The AVENGER includes this software and it can be installed on as many computers in your office as you wish. This unlimited license comes with your machine purchase. This software is identical to the one found on the machine and can be installed on any Voortman CNC fabricating machines.

Voortman built the CNC Drill Line only for GSS Machinery. Voortman manages the installation, warranty, service and maintenance of the CNC Drill Line. Voortman is the service provider. GSS Machinery is available to help if needed.

Cnc Drill Line Generator

Frequently Asked Questions

As a minimum beam diameter, all structural engineers recommend a 12mm dia bar.

According to the International Residential Building Code (IRC), 2021, a common 6x6 softwood beam span is 3'-5" to 7'-6". The wood's strength and other variables affect how long the span. While hardwood of similar dimensions will span more than steel, the cost difference can be substantial.

Wood Products Historically we have restricted hole sizes in Microllam (r) LVL and Parallam (r) PSL. Members 7.25'' or deeper can use a round hole of 2'' diameter for TimberStrand(r).

Which drill can I use to drill steel beams with? You can use drills made of high-speed steel (HSS), as mentioned previously. You can drill with a twist drill, core drill, or hole saw in the HSS, HSS-5, and tungsten carbide tool steels. You can also use hole saws, which do not drill into the workpiece as well as core drills.

Different types of drills. Hand drill. Hand drills or eggbeaters are manual tools that run on gear. ... Brace drill. Another manual drilling tool, this one was invented in the 1420s. ... Corded drill. The corded drill is the best choice when it comes to electric drills. ... Hammer drill. ... Cordless drill. ... Drill press.